Thursday, February 24, 2011

New Resource on Medicaid in the 2011 WI Budget

"It is not incumbent upon you to finish the task.
Yet, you are not free to desist from it."

-- Rabbi Tarfon, Talmud, Pirkei Avot 2:21

This becoming-an-activist stuff is tiring work. I will have to learn to pace myself. And the task is surely not mine to finish, I know that.

But for now, there is a great urgency for me around the threat to Medicaid in Wisconsin in the Walker budget proposal.

I've felt called to create a new resource, to pull things together in a single place, on a new page here at Elvis Sightings. You'll notice it in the top tabs on the blog: WI Budget 2011: Medicaid.

On this new page, you'll find the following types of links:
-- My Elvis Sightings posts on the issue
-- Printable flyers
-- Sites for Activism Alerts
-- Analysis of the Budget Repair Bill
-- Overview articles from the Capital Times
-- Letters to the editor (to help you write your own!)
-- TV news coverage
-- Additional news & opinion

For today, I'll leave you with my yesterday's Facebook activism post (slightly lengthened, since I've got the room):

DIY WI Medicaid activism -- print factsheet copies.
Make large sign: "Take Medicaid out of the Bill! (Didn't know it was in? Ask me more!)"
Make smaller signs with just the first phrase.
Stand in Rotunda [or whatever rally in Wisconsin] with the big sign [I actually used my big pink sign], and pass out flyers & signs to those who approach. Highly empowering!

Give it a try?

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